Films & Permits
Filming CA State Roads and Buildings
Filming on California State Roads and Property
The California Film Commission (CFC) offers free online permitting for all state property including state parks and beaches, freeways, roads, and government buildings. From hospitals and prisons to back roads and mountain ranges, the CFC helps filmmakers gain access to those perfect locations in our state. The CFC requires that all state permit applications be submitted FOUR (4) business days / 96 hours (weekends and holidays are not considered business days) prior to the first prep/shoot day. Caltrans ramp and lane closures require a minimum of at least twelve (12) business days in advance of prep/shoot; freeway closures require a minimum of sixteen (16) business days. If you are filming on CA State property in Marin County, we can provide you with additional private and public locations and assistance in arranging accommodations for your cast and crew.
A permit is required whenever filming takes place on state property. The CFC is a one-stop shop for all state permits and will assist you in obtaining the required approvals from the CHP, Caltrans, State Parks, Facilities and the State Fire Marshal, where necessary. All state park permits will need to go through the State of California Film Commission after getting local approval.
California Film Commission
Phones: 800-858-4749 or 323-860-2960
Fax: 323-860-2972
7080 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 900
Hollywood, CA 90028
View California Film Commission's Production Alerts here
Filming on CA State Owned Roads and Highways
The California Film Commission has an on-site California Highway Patrol (CHP) Film Liaison who is available to assist with filming on State freeways and highways. This liaison advises and schedules CHP officers for film shoots. The California Film Commission (CFC), facilitates filming on California's roadways with its close partnership with the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the California Highway Patrol (CHP).
Working with Caltrans, the California Film Commission issues film permits for all state highways and freeways. Film monitoring on state highways and roadways is provided by the CHP. Ian Ramer, Filming Liaison, CHP Media Relations Officer, is the contact for all unincorporated county roads, state highways, and freeways. Officer Ramer coordinates requests for CHP officers for film details and facilitates the approval process.
It is the production company's responsibility to contact the CHP Film Desk a minimum of three (3) business days prior to filming to determine whether officers are needed and available and to determine if local law enforcement should be involved.
Caltrans Highways and Roads
All Caltrans permits are issued through the California Film Commission
Alfonso Casey, Permit Coordinator for Caltrans
Phone: 323-817-4104
Fax: 323-860-2976
Caltrans Fax: 323-860-2976
Fees: No location fees. $140 review fee for Caltrans and hourly charges if necessary for rangers. Fees vary based on activity.
For California Highway Patrol support, contact the CHP Film Media Relations Officer at the CFC:
Officer Jon Docweiler Film Media Relations Officer
Phone: (800) 858-4749x103 (office)
Mobile: (213) 703-2070
Fax: (323)817-4113
Once the application and paperwork have been approved through the CFC, traffic control for the actual filming on roads or highways may be made by contacting:
Officer Robert Winnie, California Highway Patrol in Corte Madera
Phone: 415-924-1100 x 241
1. CA State Buildings and Facilities:
Lori Mailov, Permit Coordinator
Phone: 323-817-4106
Fax: 323-860-2972
2. Filming in San Quentin State Prison
For all inquiries contact:
Permit Coordinator for CA State Buildings & Facilities - Prisons (San Quentin)
Lori Mailov, Permit Coordinator
Phone: 323-817-4106
Fax: 323-860-2972
Local Marin Contact:
Sam Robinson, Public Information Officer
San Quentin State Prison
Phone: 415-455-5000
Filming in State Courts
Marin Court Application Download:
Superior Court of California/Marin County: Marin County Superior Court
Marin County Court Administrator contact:
Mr. James Kim
Phone: (415) 444-7020
Fax: (415) 444-7021
Update on the use of Drones over State Property: The California Film Commission will issue film permits with drone activities over state property only to applicants using FAA 333-exempted operators. Requests for drone activity over State Parks & Beaches and Caltrans properties will continue to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
For current requirements and application: Filming with Drones